Search results

  1. G

    Yay Area

    Towner in Oakland. Open to travel around the area. Off the bat if you’re a size queen, I won’t fill your void. Decade+ in and out of kink as an Dom and looking to join a couple in any way they prefer from one time thing to sumn more serious like a bf or ownership. Looking to explore dynamics...
  2. G

    Methods to meet and vet new bulls?

    You can let her set the pace, even if he leads. No need to jump in the deep end. Especially if you're looking for long term. Meet for drinks, sext, flirt, check in with each other, and eventually make it happen. Goodhusband brings up a good point she may want to explore on her own before getting...
  3. G

    Boyfriend starting to look into sharing for GF

    You two sound like a damn good time. Read The Ethical Slut together. Its a great book for any relationship but a great primer for ENM. Drawing boundaries, communication, self accountability are all laid out to be open with each other in the process. You two sound like you're already sympatico in...
  4. G

    Belly fetish - post your lady’s belly! (No preggos)

    Own it girl. Lookin like a damn snack before you take the ride and enjoy that body like a good film ;)
  5. G

    Bull; new to the LS

    Wassup! W 36 m Nor Cal. New to the LS ass a Bull. Two decades on n off as a Dom. Became interested in cuckolding after hooking up with a hotwife but never met her sub hub. Couples dynamics began to attract me and how they can be manipulated for a wild ride. Still green behind the ears but met a...
  6. G

    My Wife, I need help with next step

    Personal take? Open it in conversation. I’ve had husbands do this and first one I remember opened up with pics of his wife on vacation. It was hilarious. He was this older, ‘aphha’ machismo guy. Worked out, owned a Jag, flexing so hard and likely needed blue pills to even fuck his young, smokin...
  7. G

    If you’re not already off pussy; a steady diet of creampies ;)

    If you’re not already off pussy; a steady diet of creampies ;)
  8. G

    Not Sure How to Proceed

    Personal take would be warm her up before you suggest. Broad strokes of the lifestyle seems its often a cuck wanting to feel less, or a husband who puts his wifes pleasure first. You sound more like the latter. Turn the focus of what you want onto her, without pushing it. Tend to her pleasure as...
  9. G

    Cuckold movies

    Appreciate the tip ;)
  10. G

    Cuckold movies

    Recently finished the second season of Yellowjackets - fucking incredible show - and theres a lot of cuckold subtext and symbolism in the film. Not just the recurring horn themes either. One wife has an affair and it creates a web of lies that lead to more of those themes blown out of...
  11. G

    Not Sure How to Proceed

    So idk your relationship with your wife and what your interpersonal dynamics are, but you might be primed for a FLR depending on how you operate. If you hand over her to making the decisions of what she wants to do at her discretion without you pressuring her - willing to allow her to choose and...
  12. G

    New from SF area

    Nice wife! Oakland here. No pro massage skills tho ;)
  13. G

    Anyone want to meet at a bar in Bangkok?

    Go anywhere in BKK really. Seedier parts are easier no doubt. Have her dress like a bar girl and put on her best charm. She'll be fishing in the biggesst pool ever for her prize. Nonstop options. Edit- lol looks like I missed your date. Always next time ;)
  14. G


    Smokin wife
  15. G


    Hilarious name. Love it
  16. G

    How to find a good Bull?

    These sites have helped me connect with couples I'm setting up to meet. Also Feeld is an app for open relationships but I havent tried it yet. Closer to the LS than Tindr from what Ive heard
  17. G

    How is the feeling of sucking cock and eating sperm of my wife's lover?

    If youre into it, go for it man. Forget labels and just indulge. Sexuality isn't black n white; its a gradient. Not to mention its 2024 and who the fuck cares anymore? You're safe to explore and see what happens. Itss also fine to have boundaries and limits with a safe word. Pretty standard in...