JW_KK's Slut Captions


I'm starting a new, dedicated thread to contain just my own captioned work, including captioned images, storyboard/image sequences, faux magazine pages, covers, and DVD cover art...

Some requests:

- please don't post your own images in this thread
- please don't post face, body shots, or related material requesting captions

There are plenty of other open threads to share your contributions. If you are requesting captioned work, please use the 'Conversation' or DM function, drop me a note, and make your request. I get dozens of requests every day - if I'm inspired by the sample pic, the story or request, I'll consider it. Some of the material in this thread are the results of captioning requests, in which the requestor has supplied source content, and given me consent to post the result.

I'll be adding back my historical work once I decide how to organize it. This is the first image to kick this thread off.

Alyssa - Every married woman should have a lover...

I'm starting a new, dedicated thread to contain just my own captioned work, including captioned images, storyboard/image sequences, faux magazine pages, covers, and DVD cover art...

Some requests:

- please don't post your own images in this thread
- please don't post face, body shots, or related material requesting captions

There are plenty of other open threads to share your contributions. If you are requesting captioned work, please use the 'Conversation' or DM function, drop me a note, and make your request. I get dozens of requests every day - if I'm inspired by the sample pic, the story or request, I'll consider it. Some of the material in this thread are the results of captioning requests, in which the requestor has supplied source content, and given me consent to post the result.

I'll be adding back my historical work once I decide how to organize it. This is the first image to kick this thread off.

Alyssa - Every married woman should have a lover...

View attachment 2057279
yes this has ALWAYS been my attitude!