First off you need to dispel the old attitudes and moral standards that sharing her is shameful and not acceptable. You need to help her understand there's a difference between love and lust. You will love her more, not less by sharing her with other men. This fantasy is really common and acted upon by a large percentage of adults. Over the years it's been considered improper behavior preformed by degenerates, This is an old religious attitude and puritan belief, very limited thinking and a way some people try to control other peoples behavior and actions. There is no shame in enjoying sex, especially if you are not hurting or forsing someone to participate in your sex play. There should be no guilt in your enjoyment because someone else doesn't think that it's right. Don't let others limited beliefs and opinions control your enjoyment, its your live! Live it the way you want, don't be afraid to try new things, it will open a new and fascinating world that's exciting, stimulating, and more fun than you ever believed possible. Be open to new adventures, experiences, and embrace the opportunities as they present themselves. Live a little, don't restrict yourself because you've never done that before! Sex is a lot more than it used to be, society is opening up and expanding it boundaries as we progress out of the dark ages. The old attitudes of what is proper and acceptable are only now starting to catch up to today's life styles, don't let old beliefs and concepts rule your decisions, engage your desires and grab the opportunities.