What's your view on Cuckold pregnancies? If it's discussed with totally honesty by the wife, lover and husband, do you think it's wonderful or not?

Husband had vasectomy I was on the pill for lover . After a year or so lover wanted a baby I was 44 didn't think I could conceive was given a 5% chance was ovulating went off on a weekend with lover month or so later realized I was pregnant.
Thank you for your reply. How did it work out for you three? Did your husband feel that having your lover's baby was the right thing to do?
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My husband is infertile so we used bulls to impregnate me, we have six beautiful now grown up daughters. It was incredibly hot knowing I was going to get pregnant by my bulls, i made sure during conception to have sex with as many bulls as possible so I don’t know who each of their fathers are, it added to the thrill. It worked well for us.

Sally. Xx
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I think its horrendous. What the parents do is their business but bringing a kid into it to get the husband off on it is fucked up.

It irresponible and unfortunately the kid will suffer the most.

So to answer your question "not"
One of my kids are not my but we didn’t find a difference and they don’t know that someone else knocked her up . Up all depends on the people involved. If you’re a selfish person then I feel sorry for a ...... . Sometimes they can’t even take care of their own
Loving my ...... has nothing to do with them being biologically mine. I’d love any ...... my wife birthed as much as I love one that is mine.

I would go to every ultrasound, be there for the birth, celebrate their first birthday, get enjoyment from their giggles, teach them to ride a bike, want to heal them when they’re sick, etc.

It’s only in very recent times any guy could be sure their ...... was theirs. In all honesty it doesn’t matter.
Many men are able to marry single ...... and adopt and raise the ...... as their own. I have friends that made this choice and are very happy. I see no difference between that and her getting pregnant by another man.

Some men genuinely do not want their gene line to continue (for whatever reason) but at the same time don't want to deprive their wives of birthing a .......

The idea that parenthood and loving a ...... should be based solely on biology strikes me as very old fashioned and narrow minded.
I can see both points of view but I can tell you our first ...... was not from my sperm but from a long time friend that we had been with for quite some time. My wife enjoyed the sex with him and I loved watching them together. Not really planned but in the end it worked out well for all and I as the husband saw no difference. Raised him just the same as the next one that was for sure created with my sperm. Never told anyone and as far as we know only the 3 of us know that he was not created with my sperm so it does work out and was very hot to know that happened.
I've been fixed since our second ......, but my wife stopped taking any birth control after the second one was born thinking we'd always be monogamous. Well, she first experienced being a hotwife with my fixed best friend knowing he was safe, but got risky with a few guys, one being Mexican, which would have been hard to explain since he came in her a few times while it wasn't safe for her, but the thrill made her smile as he dumped his load in her as I sat on the bed and watched him after he asked my permission. Nothing came of it, but her period was late and we discussed the "what if". He later got fixed because she asked him to. That's the power of the pussy. She's now playing with our formerly vanilla friend who is also fixed, but we tease her that he might have a few seeds that could sneak one past the goalie. I think it turns her on hearing him pretend to be risky with her.
A subject to provoke a reaction,

I can see both sides to the argument but in reality cuckoldry has been about as long as mankind, ive always found it strange in western culture that a family tree is traced via the father as this makes family trees worthless really. Who is really certain about their biological father? unless they carry defining traits from him? In traits i mean distinctive features, my wife has her dads distinctive nose for one example, so there is no doubt here, her brother doesnt and our children havent inherited it.

Certainly there are moral issues but this is a cuckold site and some here actively practice cuckoldry, us as an example. The majority of actual "normal people" call them what you wish i would suggest wouldnt touch this site for toffee as it is a taboo subject, for a reason, it happens.. Yet there are millions of women with children not the product of thier husband and i would suggest historically up until recent DNA developments few men bringing up these kids have known this. Did it harm them NO.

Have the children been told, NO, they were brought up, married had children and died and never knew, did it harm them NO, should they have been told....?

I have long suspected that our ...... may not be mine biologically, is this a secret my wife keeps from me well she has never suggested she was not mine, however is very coy about giving details about her first affair but not so about her second. The true actual date of conception is guesswork however i can verify a date when they were alone together matches to within a few days of her fertilisation, from her medical records, am i bothered NO, i suspect she maybe doesnt know herself as days later i gave her my seed too.

She got annoyed when i mentioned this in passing, she became angry and defensive, saying get a DNA test. A definate NO i do not want to cause upset to our ........., my ...... and the questions that would follow. It is not a mission to me i reared her made her who she is, she is my ...... and i do not want to know.

She has admitted that after i was snipped at about 29 at her request, that during her second affair she always wanted and took his life seed into her fertile body, risky stuff for a female in her mid/late 20s but she also admitted she wanted his baby and was prepared to take the risk with the marriage, sure i would accept my status as a cuck husband. He fertilised his wife but not mine.

Is this morally wrong? or just that i know it? Obviously changes with DNA proved the game changer.
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Husband had vasectomy I was on the pill for lover . After a year or so lover wanted a baby I was 44 didn't think I could conceive was given a 5% chance was ovulating went off on a weekend with lover month or so later realized I was pregnant.
I certainly hope that has nothing to do with your screen name, EX-wife!! We would both LOVE it if that situation happend for us. What was the outcome? Did u deliver? How did your Lover respond, as well as hubby? J (the wife)
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I certainly hope that has nothing to do with your screen name, EX-wife!! We would both LOVE it if that situation happend for us. What was the outcome? Did u deliver? How did your Lover respond, as well as hubby? J (the wife)
Oh no, read some more and it does appear the screen name may be related to this.....that is truly sad. J (the wife)
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