My wife has had sex with many men over the years, before and during our marriage, But they were casual encouters and/or one night stands. She likes sexual pleasure and not to demean my wife, but she is an easy lay. I had to accept that in order to be married to her. Once it was determined that our trying to have a baby was a failure because of my unknown infertility, we agree to turn to another man to impregnant her. Even that encounter which did result in a pregnancy did not lead to anything serious with the sperm donor.
But I have discovered that her younger co-worker, who loves to milk my wife's tits since giving birth, is becoming a more serious thing. I guess the old saying of why buy the cow when you get the milk for free, which in this case is also literally, is true. My wife and her co-worker have become lovers. Their encounters are almost daily it seems, which I guess when you work together, would be expected. Lots of opportunities and I am sure the sexual tension is extreme.
My wife has admitted to me that she feels something for him (she will not say it is love) and that she suspects he may be falling in love with her. She has assured me that I am her one true love, her life partner, her best friend and that she would never leave me. But when I suggested that maybe she should stop having sex with him, not to lead him on, she said she does not want to give up the sex with him. (Whether I am wimp or not, I did not tell her how that made me feel so inadequate.)
I guess I really should not be surprised. Sex is both physical and emotional. And the more you have it with someone the more connected you become.
So I have to acknowledge that he is her lover. And I have been complacent. I did not stop him from fucknig my wife here in our home, in our marital bed, whether I was home or not. Funny at first, he did not want to fuck my wife anywhere near me, doing it at his place, but now he just comes over, says hi to me and they proceed to the bedroom to fuck. He even struts around naked in front of me afterward to get a beer or hit the head.
We have always talked about having a couple of kids, so I suspect he may end up being sperm donor number 2 when the time is right. For now, my wife and I are enjoying our baby with no immediate plans for a number two, but I know it is somewhere in the future.
With the first sperm donor, he was a casual fuck. A guy who agreed to do more than just fuck my wife, but to impregnant her. He said he had not desire to be part of the baby's life and to date he has been out of the picture. If my wife does end up fucking and getting pregnant by her co-worker, who apparently has feelings for my wife, I think the dynamics could be different. That is going to have to be a serious conversation before any decision is made.
But I have discovered that her younger co-worker, who loves to milk my wife's tits since giving birth, is becoming a more serious thing. I guess the old saying of why buy the cow when you get the milk for free, which in this case is also literally, is true. My wife and her co-worker have become lovers. Their encounters are almost daily it seems, which I guess when you work together, would be expected. Lots of opportunities and I am sure the sexual tension is extreme.
My wife has admitted to me that she feels something for him (she will not say it is love) and that she suspects he may be falling in love with her. She has assured me that I am her one true love, her life partner, her best friend and that she would never leave me. But when I suggested that maybe she should stop having sex with him, not to lead him on, she said she does not want to give up the sex with him. (Whether I am wimp or not, I did not tell her how that made me feel so inadequate.)
I guess I really should not be surprised. Sex is both physical and emotional. And the more you have it with someone the more connected you become.
So I have to acknowledge that he is her lover. And I have been complacent. I did not stop him from fucknig my wife here in our home, in our marital bed, whether I was home or not. Funny at first, he did not want to fuck my wife anywhere near me, doing it at his place, but now he just comes over, says hi to me and they proceed to the bedroom to fuck. He even struts around naked in front of me afterward to get a beer or hit the head.
We have always talked about having a couple of kids, so I suspect he may end up being sperm donor number 2 when the time is right. For now, my wife and I are enjoying our baby with no immediate plans for a number two, but I know it is somewhere in the future.
With the first sperm donor, he was a casual fuck. A guy who agreed to do more than just fuck my wife, but to impregnant her. He said he had not desire to be part of the baby's life and to date he has been out of the picture. If my wife does end up fucking and getting pregnant by her co-worker, who apparently has feelings for my wife, I think the dynamics could be different. That is going to have to be a serious conversation before any decision is made.