Masturbating cuckold ruined his marriage


This is a story of a cuckold husband. A story of a husband's sick fantasies coming back to bite him. If you are offended by the subject of cuckolds and husbands who push their wives into bed with other men, then read no further.


Ashima had loved being fucked by Mr. Abdul, the plumber, that second time, in her own house, on her own bed.

She particularly liked the way she had undermined his brutish behaviour and wrested some control back from the ugly little man. Denying his orgasm when he wanted to shoot his load into her mouth, and again when she was riding his cock, but didn't allow him to come when she did. The plumber knew it too, especially when she told him to slap her tits, and then slap them harder.

"I deserve to be punished, Mr. Abdul... I'm a lying... unfaithful slut... Slap me hard! Please."

What was it he called her? Oh, yes: "You're a fucking psycho-bitch."

In that moment, she embraced the notion she had inherited the slut gene from her ......, and used her wild, whorish behaviour to subversively dominate the fat, little man, and the resulting orgasms had been the best she ever experienced.

But later that evening, after her post-orgasmic rapture had faded away, and while she sat at the dining table with Christopher, along with their two children, Ashima found herself quietly reflecting on the rapid escalation of her recent sexual misadventures.

These extramarital exploits had all started when she'd let her neighbour’s husband finger her cunt at Arianwen's birthday party, and this had been closely followed by the incident when Abdul had brutally fucked her in her sister's apartment. At least with those two episodes, she could ease her conscience by claiming they were unplanned, indeed during the latter incident the plumber had physically forced himself on Ashima.

Not so today, when she fucked Abdul. It had been Ashima who had initiated the plumber's visit to her house. It was she that decided to dress so provocatively in Arianwen's old school uniform. It was she who had wanted to fuck the old man with the big, nasty cock, and got an extra erotic thrill out of the fact she made it happen in her own home and on the bed, she normally shared with her husband, Christopher.


It was all very well blaming her conduct on inheriting the slut gene from her ......, but the truth was it was she who was responsible for her actions, not some accident of genealogy. It was a sobering realisation and caused her concern about where things might end up. Could it soon be the case that any stranger with a working cock who happened to call at the house while she was alone, could fuck her? The notion was as worrying as it was titillating.

She loved Christopher, in a humdrum, comfortable sort of way and she was fiercely devoted to her children. Were the intense sexual encounters she had opened herself up to in recent weeks really worth putting all that at risk?

No, it was time to put the genie back in the lamp, before matters really got out of hand.

Over the following days and weeks, Ashima resisted the temptation of resummoning Abdul through his firm, Elegant Interiors. Instead, whenever her pussy got too heated, which was a lot, she used her recently acquired, rabbit-eared vibrator and when to town on her cunt and clitoris.

Like giving up nicotine, the cravings eventually eased, and she found she could go through a whole day without thinking about being fucked by Abdul, or Pakistani perverts like him.

Unknown to Ashima, Christopher continued to monitor the live feed from the nanny-cam every time the motion sensor in their bedroom activated, although nothing like the incident, when he discovered the short, fat man fucking Ashima, ever happened again. It came as a surprise to him that he was undecided about how that made him feel. It had to be good that he had no further grounds for jealousy, didn't it? However, every time he looked at the recording of his wife fucking like a wanton whore, he couldn't help masturbating to the images. Although, he never came quite as hard as he did that first time, while sitting in his car in their garage and watching live feed of Ashima fucking upstairs.


Despite the evidence so readily accessible on his phone, he never confronted Ashima about her whorish adultery. He had certainly intended to but baulked when he considered the possible ramifications. Confrontation would give rise to accusations and arguments that could so easily result in separation or even divorce. Then as time passed, his constant monitoring of her daily activities revealed nothing suspicious, and he began to think that what had happened was just a crazy one-off fling. Yet he was also aware, even if it was only subconsciously, that by not challenging his wife about her adultery, it left open the possibility it might happen again.

In a matter of a few short weeks following the incident with Abdul, Christopher surprised Ashima when, for their tenth wedding anniversary, he purchased a couple of really good seats at a West End production of Hamilton, followed by an overnight stay in the very plush Covent Garden Hotel. It was unlike him to celebrate in this extravagant way, and it only made her more determined to continue being faithful to him, even if her body was sorely missing out on the erotic excitement of illicit unprotected sex with large penises.

The show was fantastic, and this was followed up by a couple of drinks at the hotel bar on their return. It was almost midnight when they finally made their way back to the hotel room, but Ashima was determined that her night was not yet finished. She couldn't remember the last time she and Christopher had sex, or to put it in terms her neglected cunt could understand, the last time he'd properly fucked her. However, she was going to change that tonight.

Once in the room, Ashima asked Christopher to get her a drink from the minibar and entered the bathroom humming the tune to 'The Room Where It Happens'. Unknown to her husband, she had packed some very sexy lingerie. On the day she had visited one of the Elizabeth Winter's boutique sex shops, to buy the rabbit-eared vibrator, her attention was drawn to the lingerie section. Packed in her overnight case was a set made from the finest white, floral lace and in addition to the bra, G-string, garter belt and stockings, it had a neck collar with a gold chain that ran all the way down to the garter straps.

As Ashima put the final touches to her full lips, settling for a subtle red, as she didn't feel the need to overdo her makeup because the lingerie was slutty enough, she thought she heard a knock on the door of the hotel room. She wondered why Christopher was bothering with room service at this late hour when the minibar was so well stocked. No matter, she thought, and used the delay to review her getup in the mirror and compliment herself on how well the sexy underwear suited her full and shapely figure. They'd soon be alone, and, given the way she looked, Christopher was certain to fuck her.

When Ashima stepped out of the bathroom, she was shocked. Christopher wasn't alone and the other person in the room didn't look like room service. Feeling very exposed in her lingerie, she instinctively looked around for a bathrobe and, not finding one, placed one arm across her breasts while her other hand covered her pubic area.

"Well, ain't she cute," said the other person in the room. He was a black man that Ashima guessed was still in his twenties. He wore a bright yellow, hooded tracksuit with a red stripe down the arms and legs and spoke with a distinctly American accent. However, the most striking thing about him was his imposing physique. The man was enormous, well over six foot tall, with broad, muscular shoulders that tapered down to what was almost certainly a ripped waist.

Christopher was sitting on a chair stripped down to his underpants. Ashima was so taken aback by the presence of the stranger, it took her a moment to register the fact that her husband's wrists were secured to the arms of the chair with plastic cables, while his ankles were secured in a similar fashion to the chair's legs.

"What are you doing to my husband!" Ashima didn't realise she was shouting until the words came out. "Get out of here before I call down to reception and have them get the police."

"Now, there's no need for that, baby."

Ashima made a move for the telephone on the bedside locker, but she stopped when the man held what looked like a sharp, folding knife close to her husband's throat.

"Ashima, don't," Christopher said pleadingly, a look of genuine fear in his eyes. "He's probably only here to rob us. It's better to co-operate and not aggravate him. He'll soon be gone."

"But Christopher, he's got a knife."

"Yeah, bitch," said the man. He twirled the knife dexterously between his fingers, then gave her a broad smile and she saw that a number of his teeth were gold plated. "All the more reason not to get on my bad side. I'm Omar Ali, by the way. Baby, why don't you come over here and let me have a good look at you."

"Leave her alone," growled Christopher. He strained uselessly against the bindings. "If you lay a finger on my wife, I'll..."

Omar slapped Christopher across the face and shocked him into silence.

"Come on over here, honey," said the man while beckoning her with the knife. "I gotta get a better look at you."

A chill ran down Ashima's spine, but it seemed she had no choice. Judging by how quickly he had struck Christopher, the man seemed very volatile and apt to become suddenly violent again if she did not obey.

When she drew close enough, Omar played with the light, gold chain that linked her garters to the collar round her neck. "So, your Ashima, and this pencil-dick is Christopher."

"Yes," she responded fearfully.

Almost distractedly, he repeated their names. "Ashima and Christopher." As he spoke, he took hold of her hair and turned her slowly from side to side while looking her up and down. "My, my, what a great body you have there, Ashima. Then with his free hand he made a sudden violent motion as he roughly pulled both her breasts out of her bra. "Thems mighty fine titties on you, girl. I likes 'em big. Guess, you must like 'em big too, eh Christopher."

Christopher did not respond. He just looked on in horror. Ashima thought her husband was probably feeling stupid for thinking that their intruder would be satisfied with only taking their money and other valuables.

Omar began to massage one of her breasts before spitting on her areola and rubbing the saliva into the nipple, making it swell up before he pulled on it with his finger and thumb. Then he performed the same action on her other breast.

"Take your hands off me," said Ashima. There was more than an element of desperation in her voice because not only were her breasts visibly responding to the intruder's rough treatment, but she also felt her cunt moistening. She didn't want Christopher to see that she was becoming aroused at the hands of this stranger.

However, her reaction only seemed to make matters worse.

Omar slapped her across both breasts. It wasn't a powerful blow, but her already aroused and sensitive nipples felt like they'd been struck with a bolt of electricity.

"There's no call to get uppity, now is there, bitch?"

Ashima remained silent. If anything, this seemed to anger Omar even more because he struck her across the breasts again. The man couldn't have known that having her tits slapped was something that really turned her on, and she worried that if he kept it up, she might come, right there in front of her captive husband.

However, her experience with Abdul the plumber had taught her how to placate abusers. "Omar, I'm sorry," she said, "you can play with my tits all you want." Reaching behind she unclasped the hooks of her lace bra and let it fall away to the ground.

While she freed her breasts, she cast a sideways glance at Christopher and could see the hurt in his eyes. Didn't he understand she had to appease this dangerous man in whatever way she could? Christ, he had a knife and it seemed to her he was willing to use it.

"Now we're talking," said Omar. "A bitch's got to show a man some respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Ain't that right, Christopher?"

Instead of slapping her again, Omar slipped his big hand down the front of Ashima's panties. "My, my. Ain't you full of surprises, bitch? A shaved pussy; my favourite. And what's this? Your cunt's already wet." He took his hand out and put his glistening fingers close to Christopher's nose. "See that? Her slit's wetter than New Orleans after Katrina."
Ashima had to look away, she felt so mortified.

"Now, bitch, said Omar, "it's time I introduced you to a friend of mine." As he said this, he let go of her hair and took a mobile phone out of his pocket and placed it on the nearby dressing table. Then he used both hands to pull his tracksuit bottoms down around his ankles, revealing his thick, muscular legs, and much more besides.


"Jesus Christ!" exclaimed Ashima. Omar wasn't wearing any underpants, so his penis was visible. Oh, and what a penis it was. It wasn't erect and yet it hung down almost to his knee and looked as thick as her wrist. It made Abdul's cock look small. Even Christopher's eyes widened in their sockets.

"My momma was a mosque-going lady," said Omar smiling proudly. As he spoke, he removed the top of his tracksuit and threw it on the bed. He obviously worked out a great deal when he wasn't breaking into people's hotel rooms and holding them hostage. His upper half was all dark muscle, with a big, hulking chest and a pumped-up abdomen. "If you have to address my dong, bitch, I'd prefer you call it Master. He picked up his mobile phone and it was soon obvious he was going to record Ashima's humiliation.

"Now, come on, baby. It's time to get that pretty mouth of yours working on the Master."

If Ashima appeared to hesitate, it wasn't because she was being recorded, or that her husband was only a couple of feet away, it was because she was daunted by the sheer size of Omar's organ. Without wanting to look in Christopher's direction, she picked up the flaccid, circumcised penis with both hands, feeling its dark, meaty weight, then gingerly placed its head into her mouth.

Relax, she tried to tell herself. No matter its size, it's still a penis. It will respond to her Cock-sucking Triple-treat technique, the same as any other cock.

Ashima began to pump the shaft of Omar's cock with one fist, while her other hand cupped and massaged the black man's ball sack. She didn't feel inclined to go easy on the testicles as she normally would. Under the circumstances, she could hardly give a damn if she inflicted any pain. Then, after spitting on the purple head, she took the bulging glans into her mouth and began to feel the shaft growing and becoming rigid. Oh, boy, did it grow. It was a massive cock, nothing like anything she'd seen before, even in porn movies. She began to bob her head. At first, she only swallowed a couple of inches, but even when she got into her stride, she barely took in a quarter of his cock, leaving most of the shaft exposed for her hand to continue its pumping action.

She steadily increased the pace. Her hands and mouth working all three parts of his cock, doing her best to maximize the sensations she was generating. She wanted to get him off quickly and have done with it.

"You're a mighty fine cocksucker," said Omar after some time, "but we'll be here all night if you keep going like that. Let me help you out, honey." While continuing to record, he grabbed hold of her hair tightly with his free hand and began to face-fuck her.

Ashima struggled to breathe as Omar ravaged her mouth and throat with his enormous cock. "Now that's what I'm talking about, bitch. Sucking on it like that might be okay for ole Christopher over there, with his tiny little pecker, but Master penis deserves better. Don't it, baby?"

Of course, Ashima had no way of answering with her mouth so full.

When Omar came, he held her head firmly in place while he pushed his behemoth down her throat. Ashima was initially relieved, thinking the ordeal would soon be over, but she hadn't counted on the amount of semen the young, black teenager was discharging. She couldn't swallow it quickly enough and soon it was overflowing her mouth and falling onto her breasts, and even then, she struggled to breathe.

"Yeah, bitch," Omar moaned. "Take it! Take it all. Suck down on all of the Master cock's magic juice."

Eventually, Omar stopped pumping into her mouth, and let go of her hair. Ashima looked over to Christopher to see if she could read any reaction from his face. However, it was his cock that drew her attention. It was at eyelevel with her and, despite being contained within his briefs, she could see clearly, that it was erect. Her husband had just watched her being forcefully face-fucked by a total stranger and he'd gotten a hard on. How was that possible? Then she remembered the number of times her own body had betrayed her even though, at the time, her brain told her it was very wrong.

"Bitch, you've made the Master all messy and ......," said Omar looking down at his softening cock. "Best you lick it clean and shiny."

Ashima took hold of his cock again, this time using her tongue to clean off the excess semen still dripping from the meaty organ. It was a humiliation, especially in front of Christopher, but she comforted herself with the knowledge that this ordeal was almost over. She did what she had to do. Surely, Christopher would understand she had no choice. Once they put this torment behind them, they could begin to pick up the pieces and put their lives back together.

The only problem was, Omar did not seem in any hurry to leave. He sat down on the end of the bed and unlaced his sneakers, then took of his tracksuit bottoms, so he was now entirely naked. Then he strolled over to the mini bar, got himself a bottle of Budweiser and returned to sit on the bed.

"Come over here, baby," he said, patting the area beside him.

"Haven't you done enough?" spat Christopher. "What more could you possibly want?"

"Do you want another smack in the mouth?" asked Omar, in a tone that suggested he was more than happy to deliver it.

Christopher fell silent.

Ashima sat on the bed beside Omar. He placed his big, muscular arms around her and pulled her close. There was something perversely comforting about her smaller frame being encompassed by this giant brute. "Ever been blacked, honey?" he asked looking into her eyes.

"What?" responded Ashima.

"Ever been fucked by a black dude? Well, have you, bitch?"

"No." replied Ashima. "Not ever." It was a lie, but she had never told Christopher about the library janitor with the big cock she had fucked on a regular basis while at college, and now was not the time to reveal hidden aspects of her sexual history.

"Ah, baby. You've been missing out. You ain't been fucked until your snatch's had a big, black cock buried inside it." As he spoke, he put down his beer on the nightstand and used his hand to slowly pump on his cock. To Ashima's surprise, for he had only just shot his load into her mouth, his dick began to respond almost immediately. In no time at all, it was fully erect again and reaching up past his bellybutton.

In one fluid movement, he picked Ashima up by the waist and tossed her onto the bed, so she was face forward with her arse up in the air. Then he tore off her panties as if they were made of tissue paper and brought the head of his cock to her pussy lips.

"Wait, wait!" Ashima cried out. "I'm not ready. I can't take that. It's too big. It will... It will break me!"

"Hush now, baby," replied Omar. "I'll be gentle. Besides, you're cunt's plenty wet already. The old master here will just slide in. You'll be thanking me before I'm finished. You're going to be on the receiving end of the fucking of a lifetime."

Omar rubbed his cock along the edge of her pussy lips for a while, making her even wetter, before using his rod to slap her on the butt-cheeks a couple of times. His organ was so big and hard, it felt as if she was being struck with a paddle.


Christopher had a front row seat and watched the muscular black man push his behemoth cock into his wife, cautiously at first, the purple head of his penis disappearing, enveloped by her flesh. A soft moan escaped Ashima at the incursion, and she grabbed hold of a pillow to brace herself for what was to follow.

Omar picked up his mobile phone again to record her humiliation. Looking at his screen he saw how his cock pushed inside her a little further, then retracted slowly ensuring the head remained inside her before he pushed again. He repeated this action, each time making sure he went a little deeper.

Christopher watched on in silence, his cock straining against his briefs again. She was taking it, the fucking slut. At this rate, his whore of a wife might even take it all.

It wasn't long before Omar grew impatient and threw caution to the wind. He began to piston in and out of her cunt with increasing speed. Before he knew it, and it was as much of a surprise to him as it was to Ashima, he was all the way inside her and his big, black balls were slapping up against her clitoris.

Ashima had expected pain, but either due to Omar's initial caution on entry, or the wetness of her cunt, or a combination of both, it never came. She felt impaled on the black man's big prick, but it was far from an unpleasant feeling. His huge cock filled and stretched her like no one else's ever did, not even Abdul's. It rubbed up against the sensitive nerve endings in her anterior vaginal wall, setting off sensations that were quickly mounting towards an orgasm.

Without interrupting his rhythm, Omar collapsed upon her back and took her naked breasts, in his big hands, squashing them together roughly, pinching both her nipples between his fingers. It was all too much. Ashima came with a shudder. She bit her lip and hoped that Christopher hadn't noticed her orgasm. It was so hard to pretend she wasn't enjoying being fucked by Omar's monstrous cock.

Omar, it seemed, was far from finished. He kept pumping away at her, groaning with the effort, the sweat glistening on his muscular body. When his own orgasm eventually came close, he withdrew his cock so he could adjust Ashima's position.

Taking hold of her hips, he flipped her over on her back, then pulled her towards him, placing both of her stockinged legs on his shoulders, forsing them back on her, so his cock could have even greater access to her cunt. Then he re-entered her with a long, single push that took her breath away, as his massive, black dick drove even deeper into her cunt than before.

Soon he was fucking her as if in a fury, going harder, faster, and deeper than anyone ever did before. Ashima was losing her composure and she couldn't hide her arousal any longer. She called out, "Harder, Omar. This is the best fuck I have ever had. Fuck me even harder with your large master penis."

"Am I better than Christopher over there with his little pencil prick?" Omar managed to ask between his thrusts.

"Far better than Christopher or anyone else," Ashima replied, gasping. "Come on, make me come again before you squirt all your seed inside me." Her words had some effect, they drove the young, black teen to plough into her even faster. She couldn't tell if he were close to coming, but she could now feel her own second orgasm building up inside.

It wasn't long before Ashima felt very close to her next climax and sensed its intensity would be even greater than her first. She forgot all about Christopher strapped to the chair looking on and she had long since stopped bothering to hide her state of arousal from either man. To increase the impact and frequency of his penetrations even more, she tried to push her pelvis up to meet his cock, seeking to maintain a rhythm with his thrusts. "Fuck me harder, you big brute", she said. "Give me more of that massive black cock. I want to take it all."

"You're nothing but a filthy whore," shouted Christopher.

Ashima looked over at him, having almost forgotten he was in the room. Quickly, she returned her gaze to Omar's face, but not before she registered the fact that Christopher's underpants now sported a large, damp wet spot. Her husband had come while watching his wife's cunt being pounded by a stranger’s large, black cock.

"Your pussy's going to be ruined for everyone else," grunted Omar breathlessly. He was going at full pelt.

Suddenly, Omar, threw his phone onto the bed, too caught up in the moment to bother recording it. He was coming inside her. It might have been her imagination, but she thought she could feel his huge cock pulsate like a fireman's hose as his semen squirted against her insides. His hands reached down and clasped onto her tits, the plentiful flesh bulging through his big, strong fingers. That was it. Her vagina contracted around the thick base of his cock, as wave after wave of sensation tore through her body.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm coming," she shouted. "And it's the best... The best fucking orgasm I ever had in my life."

Omar withdrew his cock and pushed Ashima dismissively to one side as if she were a rag doll. He got up off the bed and began to dress himself, not even bothering to wipe his and her fluids from his penis. Then he went over to where Christopher's wallet was on the nightstand, opened it and counted out some money.

Although her vagina already felt sensitive and she knew it was going to hurt like a bitch come morning, Ashima was in a postcoital daze, and it would only be later that she'd realise it was odd that Omar didn't take all the cash but counted out an amount and left the rest.

He left the hotel room, making sure to take his phone, but not the folding knife. Ashima used the blade of the weapon to cut Christopher's bindings.

"Should we call the police?" asked Ashima sheepishly. Now that she was alone again with her husband, she covered her breasts and pubic area with her hands, feeling acutely embarrassed and somewhat ashamed of the way she had debased herself while on the end of Omar's huge, throbbing cock.

"And tell them what?" responded Christopher with bitter sarcasm. "That an intruder fucked my wife and made her orgasm twice? And that, according to the words that came out of her filthy, whorish mouth, one of them was the best fucking orgasm she ever had in her whole life?"

Ashima didn't reply. She went back to the bathroom, intending to spend a long time in the shower.

The next day, Christopher received an email with an attachment. When he opened the file he found, as he expected, the video footage of Omar humping Ashima. It had cost him two hundred and fifty for the video, the same price as Omar, or the Gangsta Casanova, as he styled himself on the ...... website, had charged him for coming to the hotel room and fucking his wife like a mindless slut.
